Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our scary porch and Avery and Catie's pumpkins. A scary tree and scary cat in case you can't tell. Also Avery decorated the spiderwebs in the background with bats, spiders, and glow in the dark skeletons.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Room is almost done.

* These pictures are in reverse order, I'm still trying to figure it out, you would think the first picture you upload would go at the top :(

#1 Closet door and naked window. NEW CARPET :)

#2 Bathroom door, and new TV

#3 Drapes for naked window

#4 Our bed behind the crib/changing table/baby dresser

#5 Tim putting together the closet 'system' with The Foreman looking on.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Here are pictures of the room (and Tim posing as he works) as of 10/13 and the rooms baseboards which Avery was 'helping' me with tonight.

As a side note if anyone is aware of orbs or knows what they are you may be sufficiently freaked out by the picture of the room. I'm hoping it's just dust from his circular saw :) I don't really believe in them but if they did exist this house would be the place!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Here's a few pictures of Avery at Riley days. I think he had fun.

Picture of the dirty, apparently evil as well, dog for Meganne. Still not very potty trained but he was neutered two weeks ago and WILL be potty trained by the end of my maternity leave or he will never set foot in our carpeted bedroom and will be spending much of his time in his crate. Darn thing!!